On December 7th, 2017, United Brotherhood of Carpenters General President McCarron recognized member Chris Laverdiere as the 30,000th participant of the Journeymen Leadership Program held at the International Training Center (ITC). Coming all the way from the New England Regional Council to the ITC in Las Vegas, NV, General President McCarron and all of the UBC officers and ITC staff were eager to welcome Chris.
With more than 135-years of experience in the construction industry, the UBC recognizes that the unions continued success depends on continuing to be a model 21st century union—one with a laser focus on providing unmatched support for our members, highly skilled tradespeople for our contractors, and leadership for the industry.
The Department of Education and Training (DET) Journeymen Leadership Program is just one of the ways the union is building leadership for a strong future in the industry, focusing the program for those “heavy hitters” in the field. After attending the program, Chris said, “I feel as though I have learned valuable tools”, and as a leader “I will spread the information I have learned to my fellow members.”
With over half-million members, the UBC continues to place a top priority on developing the total professional: tradespeople who are not only technical experts in their crafts but who also demonstrate effective communication and leadership qualities. To Chris, whether on or off the jobsite, the keys to successful leadership are “listening, caring, and being a positive role model.”
For more information on the DET Journeymen Leadership Program, CLICK HERE.