To celebrate National Women in Apprenticeship Day, New England Sisters hosted an event that included a large audience, notable speakers, special awards, and distinctive proclamations.
With over 90 attendees, Sisters structured a program that kept everyone interested and engaged. Below are a few highlights:
Awards & Proclamations
- Gave two Policy Group on Tradeswomen’s Issues (PGTI) awards: One was to a signatory contractor whose completed project met workforce goals for both women and people of color. The other was to the first JATC in Boston to sign a direct entry agreement with Building Pathways, the city’s pre-apprenticeship program.
- Received two proclamations celebrating National Women in Apprenticeship Day. One from Boston Mayor Marty Walsh and the other from Massachusetts Senate President Stanley Rosenberg. CLICK HERE to read the proclamations.
- Some speakers offered praise and support for women. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh spoke about the importance of keeping the pressure on to achieve Boston’s goal of 10% women on city projects. Massachusetts Senator Linda Dorcena Forry lauded apprenticeship programs, saying they allow people to get a foot in the door. Massachusetts Building Trades President Frank Callahan said a commitment to training helps raise standards throughout the construction industry.
- Other speakers offered testimonials about their experiences as participants in the Building Pathways Pre-Apprenticeship Program. Shamaiah Tibet Turner and Alex Montiero shared how much they enjoyed the work and being a Union member.
Sisters also engaged in a wide-ranging publicity campaign to create excitement about National Women In Apprenticeship Week. Check out these examples:
- Posted an image on the New England Regional Council billboard, which is viewed by over 250,000 cars daily.
- Suggested that members post selfies with the hashtags #WomenInApprenticeship #tradeswomen and #ApprenticeshipWorks for women.
- Encouraged partners to hold events. Members working on the Wynn Boston Harbor project embraced the idea and hosted a coffee break for everyone. (See workers standing in front of the yellow “women at work” sign below)
And while all these events and activities were noteworthy, one of the more significant comments came from a future carpenter – Yorie Osorio, daughter of Local 40 carpenter Michelle Osorio. When asked what she wants to be when she grows up, Yorie said, “A Carpenter!” (See her below in the pink coat standing beside the Women Working sign)
Sisters at the New England Regional Council are ready to welcome her with open arms.