At a recent Stepping Stones Career Fair in Regina, Canada, more than 1500 youth visit with about 80 exhibitors, including ICON Construction and Scaffolding Ltd. ICON displayed an interactive information booth for scaffolding, emphasizing the importance of training supplied by the UBC and the Saskatchewan Apprenticeship programs. As a multi-trade contractor, ICON is signatory to several unions in Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Alberta.
Students were invited to obtain the experience of erecting a scaffold. Mary Ochapowace, a member of Prairie Arctic Regional Council’s Local 1985 and an employee of ICON, was the instructor. Mary started the experience off by providing a hazard assessment of the job as well as a review of the 3D drawings for the scaffold. She also provided ongoing guidance throughout the build.
Several groups had the opportunity to build a scaffold. The majority of youth who participated were girls. Thanks to the support and encouragement of Mary, these girls not only built the scaffold but left in high spirits with a strong, confident attitude. The fastest build time that day was 10 minutes by an all-girl team.
An awesome day was had by all!