On June 12, 2018, Liz Skidmore, Business Representative and SIB Chair, joined the stage with some of New England’s biggest developers at BisNow’s yearly event. Titled “Boston State of the Market 2018”, some of the developers included John Hynes, CEO of Boston Global Investors, Justin Krebs, President of KIG Real Estate Advisors, and Fred Kramer, VP of Stantec Architecture (designed the NERCC Council Headquarters).
In addressing the 300 plus attendees, Liz talked about the NERCC efforts to increase diversity. She was the first speaker and others referenced the Council’s diversity successes. Liz was joined at the event by 12 staff members who interacted with developers.
This is BisNow’s largest yearly event, and NERCC attendees were not disappointed in their opportunities to connect and network.