Ron Rowlett, business agent and president for Carpenters Local 180 of the Northern California Carpenters Regional Council, is determined to make good on his commitment to serve his community and promote unionism at the same time. While serving as a member of his Local’s Executive Board and as a delegate for the Council, Rowlett has established himself as a key councilman for his hometown, Vacaville City, California.
In fact, just two years into his first term, he also served as Vice Mayor before being re-elected last year.“I grew up in Vacaville and I want to make sure Vacaville is a place my son will want to raise his family. I also enjoy helping people and our local businesses,” Rowlett said of his community, which sits halfway between Sacramento and San Francisco.
“Being educated in Labor and how things work in the construction industry is very important in politics. Having the ability to educate others is vital to the future of our trade.”
Rowlett’s goals for melding his two worlds include strengthening his community with pre-qualification language on public work jobs. “We can continue educating municipalities on why Project Labor Agreements are a great way to save tax payer money. Also, my elected position gives me the opportunity to have close relationships with other political leaders, such as assembly members, senators, and congress members. That ensures us that labor will continue having a voice.”