Statement from the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America Supporting the Right to Peacefully Protest
Change doesn’t come easy. Nothing worth working toward ever does. That is why the right to assemble and freedom of speech are at the core of what these United States are all about.
We stand with those who peacefully protest and with the law enforcement officials who fairly and professionally fulfill their duties so protesters can safely exercise their rights. The long list of achievements won by the labor movement all came about through protest and we continue to protest today – against substandard contractors and unjust laws and regulations that undercut our right to organize and stand in the way of furthering the well-being of working carpenters.
However, as much as we support protesting against injustice in any form, we unequivocally condemn those who use the guise of protest for violence, destruction, and self-gain. This unlawful behavior distracts from the central issues and the need for real and systemic change.
Over our nearly 140-year history, the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America (UBC) does not have a perfect record when it comes to being inclusive, including on matters of racial equality. But we stand firm in our commitment to constantly improve. The heart of our union is the belief that all men and women deserve the right to fair work, decent compensation and a jobsite that is safe in every sense of the word. No matter what a person looks like, what gender they are or where they come from, we all deserve the opportunity to earn a good living and go home to our families at the end of the day.
As Union Carpenters we build more than structures. We play a vital role in building communities, which is why we encourage and educate UBC members to become effective, unifying leaders. In these difficult times we urge our members to be a force for what is right and fair, and we pray for peace and justice.